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Geoforce Indonesia is a company engaged in the field as a geosynthetic soil reinforcement materials with main product segmental retaining wall, earthwork, geosynthetic and soil improvement

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Erosion is a natural process caused by forces from water or wind. This is influenced by several factors, such as soil type, types of plants and land degradation, and can also be accelerated by several human activities that occur in the area. Uncontrolled erosion process can cause severe damage to the existing structure and also to the environment.

Depending on the project and field characteristics, an erosion control job may use one or more geosynthetic products such as geotextile, geomat, geonet, geogrid and others. Geosynthetics can be used for erosion control in jobs such as:

  • Slope protection
  • Waterways
  • Irrigation channels
  • Sewer
  • Shoreline protection
  • Reclamation
  • Greening
  • Scouring protection
  • Rockfalls netting
  • Breakwater
  • Spillway wall
  • Heap

Depending on the project and field characteristics, an erosion control job may use one or more geosynthetic products such as geotextile, geomat, geonet, geogrid and others.

Slope protection work may require geosynthetics, soil nailing, rock bolts or anchors to ensure slope stability. In some applications, surface stability is achieved using geotextile bags filled with cement paste. Plants as slope protectors from soil loss are needed due to the forces of water and wind. The combination of plants and geosynthetic mats can also be used as protection against erosion on the slope surface by geosynthetic reinforcement with a relatively upright slope.