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Geoforce Indonesia is a company engaged in the field as a geosynthetic soil reinforcement materials with main product segmental retaining wall, earthwork, geosynthetic and soil improvement

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GSRW (Geoforce Segmental Retaining Wall)

Geoforce Segmental Retaining Wall is a retaining wall construction consisting of a layer of selected compacted soil and reinforced using a reinforcement belt in the form of GI-Strip. GSRW has a facing made of precast concrete K-350 which is printed with high accuracy. The advantages of GSRW lie in the strength of the structure that has been tested by earthquake loads, competitive prices, ease of installation in the field, and also on the aesthetic side which can add to the beauty of the segmental wall. The construction of flyover ramps in urban areas using the GSRW system will provide added value to the beauty of the city.

The analysis of the calculation of the GSRW structure is carried out based on the Coulomb active pressure theory proposed in 1776. Coulomb put forward an equation for the active earth pressure that occurs on the retaining wall in dry cohesionless backfill soil conditions (dry sand embankments) with the following formula equation:

PA = ½ γH2 KA

PA = active earth pressure per unit length of wall area (kN/m)
γ = unit weight of soil (kN/m )
H = height of segmental wall (m)
KA = active earth pressure coefficient

Geoforce Segmental Retaining Wall (GSRW) is designed for retaining walls that rely on friction between the reinforcement belt (GI Strip) and the soil embankment. The length of the GI-Strip anchorage is designed using the Rankine failure line principle. This GSRW is made per segment with a size of +/- 2 m2 which is printed at a casting yard or certain places that have concrete mixing facilities and is only mobilized when the location is ready to be installed.

GSRW panels are made of high-quality K-350 concrete with a smooth concrete panel surface so that there are no pores on the panel that can cause moss or other plants to grow, and GSRW concrete panels can also be guaranteed to be resistant to weather changes with minimal maintenance.

GSRW Advantages :

  • Fast Installation. One of the advantages of GSRW is the efficiency of installation time (erection) due to the relatively fast panel installation time, the concrete panel printing process has been carried out in advance at the designated printing location with easy access to concrete supplies and mobilization of printed panels to the installation area.
  • Good Quality Control. Good quality control or quality control is very important to ensure that the work carried out meets the requirements. In this GSRW work, each layer of embankment that is spread must be compacted and its density level tested using a sand cone tool to obtain the optimal water content value.
  • Solid Reinforcement. Installation of continuous and interconnected GI-Strip reinforcement belts between one panel and another, provides a locking effect and stability between panels that are well maintained, so that GSRW will become a solid structural unit.
  • Professional Technicians. Geoforce Indonesia has expert staff in the field of Geotechnics and Soil Improvement who have been accredited by HATTI (Association of Indonesian Soil Engineers Experts) with Level G-1 and G-0, has GGU software from Germany which is a supporting software for the geotechnical field, as well as reliable technicians in the field of segmental walls. This is in accordance with our company's vision and mission to always maintain quality, accuracy, and speed of construction for customer satisfaction.