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Geoforce Indonesia is a company engaged in the field as a geosynthetic soil reinforcement materials with main product segmental retaining wall, earthwork, geosynthetic and soil improvement

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Various Applications


Horizontal layers of geosynthetic reinforcement can be applied to the embankment soil of the retaining wall system to provide a reinforced soil mass that functions like a gravity wall structure to withstand lateral stresses that occur behind the reinforcement zone.

The types of reinforcement materials commonly used are geogrid, woven geotextile and polyester strip. Local stability of the embankment on the front side of the wall is obtained by attaching reinforcement material to the facing unit which can be made of polymer, wood, concrete or gabion materials of various shapes. In some areas it has been noted that retaining walls with geosynthetic reinforcement materials can be constructed up to 50% cheaper than conventional gravity wall structures.

Some variations of the reinforced soil wall can be seen from the pictures below :



Reinforced Retaining Wall types  :


Analysis and design calculations for reinforced soil walls related to external, internal stability, facing and global failure mechanisms. Global stability refers to the mechanism that occurs outside the reinforced soil mass composite. These analyzes can routinely used by conventional analytical methods. Advanced analysis can also use finite element based software.