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Geoforce Indonesia is a company engaged in the field as a geosynthetic soil reinforcement materials with main product segmental retaining wall, earthwork, geosynthetic and soil improvement

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Various Applications

Geosynthetics are various types of synthetic polymer materials that are specially fabricated for use in geotechnical, geo-environmental, hydraulic and transportation engineering applications. In general, geosynthetic materials can be identified as having the main functions, namely separation or separator, filter, drainage, reinforcement, liquid and gas storage as well as erosion control. In some applications in the field, geosynthetic materials can simultaneously serve two or even more of these functions.

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Geosynthetics can be effectively used as drainage and filters in civil works and environmental engineering as an addition to or substitute for conventional granular materials. Geosynthetics are easier to install in the field and often cost less when the available granular material does not meet specifications, or has some constraints on applicable environmental regulations.

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Hydraulic structures is a highly growing segment of the geosynthetic market. What is meant by hydraulic structure here is for dams and canals. Hydraulic structures in contact with water can be a cause of more serious damage to the environment. Geosynthetics are often required to limit interactions between structures and water. Geosynthetics can increase the stability of hydraulic structures.

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The use of geosynthetics in agriculture is one of the fastest growing market segments worldwide. The earliest applications of geosynthetics were for agricultural use and the specification of geosynthetics was directed at lining ponds for agriculture, including linings for ditches, ditches, and irrigation canals to help conserve water, lining farm ponds, and rainwater catchment ponds in arid regions of the world. Nowadays, the use of geosynthetics and geomembranes, especially in agriculture, has grown significantly in recent years.

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Erosion is a natural process caused by forces from water or wind. This is influenced by several factors, such as soil type, types of plants and land degradation, and can also be accelerated by several human activities that occur in the area. Uncontrolled erosion process can cause severe damage to the existing structure and also to the environment.

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Geosynthetics are effective for use as an unpaved road reinforcement layer and also as a work platform on soft soils. If properly designed, a geosynthetic can have one or more of the following functions: separation, reinforcement and drainage functions

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Horizontal layers of geosynthetic reinforcement can be applied to the embankment soil of the retaining wall system to provide a reinforced soil mass that functions like a gravity wall structure to withstand lateral stresses that occur behind the reinforcement zone.

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Roads or highways are the most important infrastructure in development in every country. Due to the very heavy load of vehicular traffic, climatic conditions and the property of the materials used in the structure, the road pavement cannot achieve the expected performance.

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