Geosynthetics are extensively used in this design, both for the base layer and for the cover system of a landfill facility.

The basic coating system in the picture above is a double layer composite system. Consists of geomembrane/GCL composite as primary coating system and geomembrane/GCL composite as secondary coating. The leak detection system is located between the primary and secondary layers in the form of a composite between geotextiles and geonets.
The leachate collection system is above the primary layer and is below the liner system consisting of gravel and a network of perforated pipes. Geotextiles for protection are also needed to prevent the geomembrane from being damaged due to the presence of a layer of gravel.
The leachate collection system on the slopes uses sheet drain (composite geotextile-geonet) and then joins the gravel layer below. The entire leachate collection system as well as the discharge channel is installed with a geotextile filter to prevent clogging. The groundwater level under the landfill is also controlled by using a gravel drain system using geotextiles as a filter. Also, if the bearing capacity of the subgrade is not sufficient, reinforcement material is needed to increase its carrying capacity, as well as on the slopes the use of geogrids as soil reinforcement is ideal.
The landfill cover system in the picture above is a geomembrane/GCL composite layer. The drainage layer above the geomembrane is sheet drain. In addition, the ground cover system consists of a reinforced geogrid, geotextile or geocell under the seepage retaining system. This reinforcement layer can be used to minimize the strain that occurs in the cover layer triggered by differential settlements or due to an increase in the height of the waste pile.
An erosion control system above the vegetation is also needed in order to prevent the possibility of erosion due to rainwater or surface runoff. Geosynthetics can also be used as a horizontal seepage barrier by installing vertical retainers of HDPE sheet material and geo-composite material as drainage collectors around landfill facilities.
- Geogrid: used to strengthen the slope under the waste also to strengthen the soil cover above the geomembrane,
- Geonet: used as drainage,
- Geomembrane: highly impermeable material used to prevent the seepage of liquids, gases and odors.
- Geocomposite: consisting of two or more geosynthetic materials, can be used for separation, filter and drainage,
- Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GSLs): a composite material consisting of bentonite and geosynthetic useful to prevent infiltration and hydraulic flow,
- Geotextile: used for filter purposes or as a protective layer to protect the geomembrane from damage.