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Geoforce Indonesia is a company engaged in the field as a geosynthetic soil reinforcement materials with main product segmental retaining wall, earthwork, geosynthetic and soil improvement

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Geotextile Woven PET

Hock PET Woven is a high tensile wire geotextile composed of 100% polyester yarn (PET). This material is especially designed for soil stabilization and retention functions with large loads. Hock PET Woven can be produced with very high tensile strength of up to 350 kN/m, even if needed can be produced up to 1000 kN /m.

Hock PET Woven has advantage in its function as a soil reinforcement :

  • Very easy to install. Simply held then dumped with good quality soil, then compacted as needed. 
  • High woven and high quality polyester yarn makes the plait sturdy so it is not easy to tear or open its webbing when it is held, cut, sewn, and when landfill is done. 
  • Has a high friction coefficient with soil when installed on all soil types, consequently Hock PET Woven has a large pull out resistance.
  • Hock PET Woven webbing forms allow for water to pass well or in other words Sungwoo Mat has a very high permeability value. This is necessary in order to avoid up lift pressure or blockage  of water flow.
  • Has very low elongation on ultimate high tensile strength. In addition Hock PET Woven also has a low creep characteristics, so that in a long time construction will not experience significant deformation.

With those advantages, Hock PET Woven products are proven to provide solutions to soil problems especially for retrofitting applications such as soft soil stabilization,  peat / swamp,  retaining wall structures, retention of soil deposits, and others.